We frequently hear about websites or company databases that have been hacked and personal, as well as credit card information is stolen. There are many ways thieves can get your credit card. Take precautions. That’s especially important at this time of year
Avoid sharing Credit Card information on the phone
Only give your credit card number or other sensitive information on calls you initiate. Do not return calls to a phone number left on your voice mail or sent to you in an email or text message.
Be Credit Card safe online
Don't click on email links that looks like your bank, credit card company, or other business who uses your personal information, even if the email looks legitimate. These links are often phishing scams and the scammers want to trick you into entering your login information on their fake website. Instead, go directly to that business's website to log into your account.
Don’t enter Credit Card information on a “Strange” Network
Sure, the Wi-Fi may be free, but you never know who may be snooping & scooping-up your personal information while you shop and then pay online.
Use two different cards
Have a Credit Card for your daily transactions and another one, with a low balance, for online shopping.
Watch where you shop
Credit Card info skimmers can be placed over the card swipe mechanism on almost any type of credit card reader. Unless you're specifically looking for a skimming device, you may not notice anything out of the ordinary.
• Gas station - check that the security seal on the card reader is intact.
• ATM - jiggle the reader if it’s loose, go to a different machine.
• Retail store self-checkout - If you notice a credit card reader that noticeably sticks-out or doesn’t look like the other checkouts, it may be a skimmer.
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